Gara Cosplay Domenica 13 ottobre

The historic event returns by popular demand
Main Stage Cosplay Contest
San Donà Fumetto 2024!
On Sunday, 13 October at 3 p.m., a no-holds-barred challenge will begin, where you will be able to admire live the much-loved heroes from the world of anime, comics and more.
Our cosplayers will perform in front of an exceptional jury.
The competition will be divided into three parts, which will be interspersed with interviews with our fantastic guest cosplayers. At 6.30 p.m., the award ceremony for the most deserving cosplayers will take place, with a rich prize pack of Amazon vouchers up for grabs!
How can you participate?
Basta compilare l’apposito modulo Google Form che si può trovare qui sull’evento Facebook della gara o alla sezione modulistica del sito
In seguito il partecipante riceverà una mail con le istruzioni per completare il processo di iscrizione.
Vi ricordiamo che l’iscrizione dovrà essere confermata il giorno della manifestazione consegnando l’apposita liberatoria compilata e firmata presso il punto iscrizioni cosplay, entro le ore 13.30.
Qui i link dei documenti
Only cosplayers registered for the competition will receive a COSPLAYER RACE PASS valid only for the day of Sunday 13.
The pass is nominal and non-transferable. In case of unforeseen absence, please notify the staff promptly, who will cancel the pass.
Any misuse of the entry pass, such as free entry to the fair without participation in the competition, will result in permanent exclusion from any Tanagura event and the payment of a penalty.
For info write to