Alessandro Pastrovicchio, cartoonist and author of the well-known ‘Mickey Mouse and the Gamma Factor’, will be a guest at San Dona' Comics on 12 and 13 October 2024

Alessandro Pastrovicchio (born 1977) began his collaboration with Walt Disney Italy in 1998, as an inker for “Topolino”. In 2001 he made his debut as a drawer and finally in 2023 he tried his hand as a complete author with the story “Topolino e il fattore Gamma”. His passion for drawing and comics was influenced and inspired by masters such as Bonvi, Jacovitti, Bottaro, and Scarpa

He has also worked as an inker for titles such as “Paperinik”, “X-Mikey”, “PK” and has signed several episodes of the “Wizards of Mikey” saga. For Disney, he created “Viaggio nella Luna” with Bruno Enna and the sequel “Viaggio nell’impossibile” (2023).

He has also worked as an inker for titles such as “Paperinik”, “X-Mikey”, “PK” and has signed several episodes of the “Wizards of Mikey” saga. For Disney, he created “Viaggio nella Luna” with Bruno Enna and the sequel “Viaggio nell’impossibile” (2023). He has also drawn for Edizioni Piemme (Geronimo Stilton, 2007), Star Comics (Jonathan Steele, San Michele) and, since 2011, he has also continuously drawn for Sergio Bonelli Editore. At Bonelli, he first started as a member of the staff of the “Saguaro” series, scripted by Bruno Enna and for which he signed two albums: “Fratelli di sangue” (2012) and “Neve rossa” (2014). Subsequently, he drew two albums for “Morgan Lost” created by Claudio Chiaverotti and is currently working on “Le Avventure di Ian e Gmor” (Dragonero Young), and on an album for the regular “Dragonero” series.

in 2015, he participated in the creation of “STAR WARS -Episode IV- A New Hope” for Walt Disney CO. Italy and in 2016 he created 4 episodes of the Donald Quest saga for IDW.
He recently participated in the first Disney crossover with Marvel, creating the variant covers of “Amazing Spider-Man” 46 and 49. He also participated in the creation of the first Marvel Disney story by Jason Aaron “Zio Paperone e il decino dell’infinito”, where he drew the largest number of pages.

Pastrovicchio sarà presente sia sabato che domenica nella zona OSPITI.

Sarà disponibile per firme e sketch sugli albi a cui ha lavorato nelle giornate di sabato 12 ottobre, dalle ore 10 alle ore 11 e dalle ore 17 alle ore18, mentre domenica 13 ottobre dalle ore 10 alle ore 11 e dalle ore 18 alle ore 19.
Sabato 18, dalle ore 10 alle ore 19, invece ci parlerà della sua carriera sul palco Main.
